Hurt People Hurt People

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Everything is energy. You will truly be amazed when you stop for a second, move the energy out from your mind (in other words, stop thinking for a second), FEEL into your body, and move the flow of energy into your heart chakra. If you do that when confronted with angry upset people, their projections will not harm or influence you in any way. You can actually put up a protective bubble of white light energy to surround you, and then send them waves of love. There are so many people who are angry about everything, choosing to be in a negative space, complaining, looking for problems, being nasty. They may have already succumbed to the Wetiko. (See: Dispelling Wetiko by Paul Levy).

Or, they may simply be unhappy with their lives. They may hate their job. They may be unhappily married. They may have had many traumas throughout their lives yet to be healed. They may have no passion left in their lives. They may have given up on their dreams. They most certainly do not love themselves. There are so many reasons that you may not be able to "see", that cause a person to be living in such a lower vibrational space. Their suffering is deep and they haven't yet healed.

When you come across them (which by the way, once you shift your own energy state you will encounter them less and less...remember, like attracts like), visualize your energy going into your heart space. Then, visualize a huge column of white light opening up from the universe and surrounding you in peace and strength. That will shift your energy frequency instantly. If you can also send love energy towards the angry negative person, that would truly help them a lot.

REMEMBER.....sending love to an angry person does not make you weak or fact, it's just the opposite. You can be strong, enforce your own boundaries, and be filled with authentic love at the same time.

People often get the impression that if you send loving energy to someone who is hurtful and angry, you are somehow "weak". I once wrote a Ho'opono pono prayer along with a message of love and light in a FB comment to a really angry person. Several people told me "that's just crazy, this guy is *&^^&%^ and he should just crawl in a hole and die". It was sad to see those kinds of responses. But it comes from unhealed wounds projecting back and forth, back and forth. You become stronger when you have genuine love in your heart for others who are at very low frequencies.

On the other hand, there are those who believe if you are strong and powerful and stand your ground and don't let people get away with bullshit, that you must not be loving, spiritual, and in the light. That's just called being fake. That's the new-age/fake-sage party line that you hear when people (often women) have been led to believe they have to "make nice", that it's their job to be emotional caretakers. That is something we covered in depth in yesterday's first session of the Mother Wound Class. It can be very difficult for women with unhealed mother wound to be around a truly empowered female. When you fully love yourself, you are empowered. You seek neither approval nor validation. Nor are you interested in making sure other people are happy. You are fully aware that is entirely their job, because you have already held your own self accountable for your own happiness (rather than expecting your spouse, parents, or anyone else to make you happy), and you simultaneously drop the burden of believing it is your job to somehow make other people happy.

Once you are living in a high frequency state, you can easily, compassionately, and authentically send massive waves of love to the most nasty negative people out there. You are never more empowered than when you are truly connected to heart, fully grounded, and living with the awareness of ONENESS. If you experience Oneness, you have to accept all of the darkness in the world. That doesn't mean you condone it, support it, or that you allow those people into your personal life.

LOVE heals when you stand firm and grounded, protect your personal space from lower frequency intruders, and meet anger with the vibration of love and compassion. Liana


Learning to Master the Invisible


Lemuria Ascends