Ailani Nahara @ailani.nahara

I found Liana Shanti in 2016 when I was in the end stages of a divorce and leaving my narcissistic ex husband. When I read what her Lifepath Manifesting program was all about, I knew instantly, to the depths of my soul, that I had found what I didn’t even know I was looking for. I enrolled on the spot and began the journey of healing my soul.

I knew before I even found Liana that I was in a toxic relationship & I was in the process of getting myself out, but I had no idea the depth of pain and unworthiness that I carried until I started looking at my life with accountability and truth. Going through her life path program was such a beautiful awakening to parts of myself that I had hidden away for so long and didn’t even know was there. Her teachings are the real deal. A way for me to dig into the life I had but could never make sense of. I had always wanted to know why I was the way I was and Liana’s teachings gave me that and so much more!

I grew up in an emotionally, physically, mentally and sexually abusive home. My dad and step dad were both narcissists and very toxic. Not surprisingly I ended up dating narcissists and ended up marrying one. I was disempowered, had no voice, no sense of who I was, no boundaries with myself or anyone, accepted extremely toxic treatment, walked on eggshells, had PTSD, was drinking, doing drugs and eating fast food daily to numb the pain I was in. I was not living, I was existing.

The moment I started working with Liana, my life completely changed. It was hard challenging sometimes to look at all the pain I had buried for so long, but I would not trade it for anything in the world, because to get my life back, to be living in my own sovereignty, is something that you can’t put a price on.

Liana is literally a life savor on this planet, leading people back home to themselves, empowering us in all areas of our lives, leading by example and unconditionally loving us along the way. She is someone who sees so deeply and loves everyone so much, her heart is huge and she is the most generous soul I know. She has given me so much that I didn’t even know was possible. She taught me how to love myself. That right there is all that matters to me because the love I gained for myself allowed me to begin not only healing my soul, but my body as well. I feel the best I have ever felt because my body and what I put in it became a priority to me.

I no longer allow toxic, soul-sucking people in my life, I no longer stay quiet about how I feel, I have healed my body in ways I never knew was possible, I have amazing, supportive, loving people in my life, I am empowered, loving, kind, and have a zest and passion for life that I never had before. I now know that I am worthy just for existing.

And Liana is why.

I was gifted with my Akashic name earlier this year and It was such an honor. To feel more at home within myself, to finally feel like the real me is emerging, because she’s always been there, she was just buried under the wounds, trauma and crap piled on. The old me, the name I was born with, does not represent who I AM anymore. I am beyond grateful and proud to be on this journey with myself, my fellow sisters and brothers and of course, Liana.

I have taken (almost) every single one of Liana’s programs and feel extremely grateful that she offers them at the VERY discounted prices she does because they are literally priceless. Finding your true self, uncovering your pain to get to the Diamond underneath, is why we are here. And Liana? Well, she is God’s gift to this Earth and the most amazing teacher who will help you find your self love, because in the end, we all want to embody self love.


Amy Klarich @amyklarich


Malana Hokulani @awomanuncaged