Chelsea Ribbink @riseandthrivehealthcoach

When I began Liana Shanti’s work I was at the tail end of a decade of suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, and alcohol/drug dependence that had begun in highschool. As a teenager I thought, “when I achieve X,Y, Z my life will be peaceful”. Well, at 27 I had achieved X, Y, Z and I was still depressed, anxious, suicidal at times, and relied on alcohol/drugs. I started looking for peace. I tried talk therapy, EMDR, medicinal mushrooms (at the suggestion of my therapist), sound healing, reiki, and none of it moved the needle for me. I still felt awful inside despite having my career as an elementary school teacher, my wonderful partner, and a beautiful home.

Then enter Liana Shanti’s work. After doing several of her programs including ones from Health Mastery Institute, I have healed from everything listed above AND THEN SOME! I have a relationship with Jesus. I quit my job as an elementary school teacher and am now growing my own business. 

I have not touched weed or alcohol since December 2021.

2022 was the first sober year of my adult life. Why was that so? Why did I rely on alcohol/drugs to get by? It is because I grew up in a home where both of my parents were emotionally and physically abusive. Through Liana’s energy healing programs and then through HMI programs I have healed a significant amount of the trauma and wounding that I experienced as a child.

In 2022 I started talking to both my parents about what they did. My Mom? She would yell, cry, tell me not to talk about it, she would hang up on me. My dad? Sometimes he would laugh, he would say “I hope some of what we did right gets through”, or say “I didn’t know that was happening”.

In my childhood screaming was common, being left alone was common, being hit was common. I can remember being slammed against the wall by my throat and being held there while my mother, Troylee Ribbink, got within a few inches of my face to say “One hit. One hit and you would b

“One hit. One hit and you would be on the floor.”

I was born into a family that believes in Alcoholics Anonymous. My family believes that you’re either born an addict or you are not.

I am here to say that is absolutely wrong. Addictions come from a need to numb out from trauma. That is what I was doing. I was traumatized as a child and through Liana’s programs I learned that I was traumatized in the first place and how to heal from it.

2023 is the second sober year of my adult life and I can tell you that my life is better than it has ever been. I cannot and will not imagine what my life would have been if I did not find Liana Shanti. I have an amazing relationship with my husband, a new career that I love, a beautiful home, and a relationship with Jesus. I spend each day in peace.


Dan Berlongieri


Chelsea Ribbink @chelsearibbink