Aaralyn Shiri @neverhungry_weightloss

Aaralyn Shiri Testimonial for Liana Shanti

By the time I was in high school, I was having r4p3 fantasies. Yeah, I know it’s not cool to talk about that, but I know I’m not the only one that had them.

And I know I’m not the only one that felt like the most vile person on earth for fantasizing about that. Guilt and shame to the max.

I don’t feel it’s important to go into details. You know what r4p3 fantasies are. I also started watching p0rn at the end of high school, and that progressed to seeking more and more vi0lent p0rn.

It felt like a compulsion, that I couldn’t stop. And I had no idea why. Why did I want to see vi0lent p0rn? Why did I fantasize about being r4p3d? I knew it wasn’t normal, and it made me feel like something was wrong with me. Dirty.

My mom, Wanda Price, would always tell me I had a great childhood. Especially after I told her I had uncovered s3xu4l abus3 that happened when I was little. She blamed it on me, said I was crazy, and that I had a great childhood and was a happy child. She said it was Liana Shanti’s fault, because I had been working with her as my teacher for a couple of years at that point.

But Liana wasn’t the reason for my p0rn addiction or r4p3 fantasies. In fact, those STOPPED, when I started healing, loving myself, uncovering more trauma, and rediscovering my connection to Jesus.

Up until I found Liana Shanti, I believed my mom. I thought I had a great childhood. But I was a miserable adult. And I was always so confused. And desperate. And hopeless. If I was such a happy kid and had such a great, love filled life - why did I cope with food, why did I have these addictions?!

Now, 7+ years later, I have no coping mechanisms. I haven’t thought of k1ll1ng myself since 2018. I don’t have r4p3 fantasies. I don’t put up with abusive treatment from men. I don’t even feel the urge to watch p0rn any more. I don’t cope with food. My body is mostly pain free. I have very little stress and anxiety compared to most people on the planet. Every day, I feel more and more purposeful. I actually love myself more and more every day.

Thank you will never be enough to Liana for bringing Jesus and love back into my life.


Leta Hunt @nervous_system_coach