Hi. I’m Liana.
I’m really glad you’re here. This site is full of incredible resources and programs that can help you finally uncover your true destiny and live the life you were born to live. Here’s a quick overview so you can find exactly what you’re looking for and you can begin the most beautiful, empowering, life-affirming journey.
Take part in the $300 BILLION dollar online coaching industry and become a Quantum Mind Body Therapist - Liana’s industry disrupting, ground-breaking, evidence-based program for life coaching elevated. Start living the life of YOUR dreams while helping other people achieve theirs.
Liana’s Instant Access Healing Programs.
The Jesus Frequencies
Jesus is for EVERYONE.
The true Jesus is the AVATAR, the TRUE SHAMAN whose teachings guide humanity out of the dark wheel of reincarnation wherein souls are used as a feeding source. The true Jesus is THE way, the truth and the life. Not “a” way, THE way. But the problem is that many people can feel triggered or defensive when they hear that. The matrix was set up to create either religion (cults) or “new age” (different kind of cult) - it was DESIGNED to keep you from your actual true sovereignty.
Thel ie that there are “many ways” to become free souls once again, is THE lie that keeps the majority of people stuck in the wheel of reincarnation.
You see, every single human has been programmed since birth. Programmed to believe in God or not, programmed to believe the manmade rules and laws of religion or not. Programmed to have a certain political leaning. Programmed on what foods are or are not ok to eat. Programmed to go to college or not. Programmed on what type of person is an acceptable partner or not. People believe they are “making decisions” every day of their lives that are TRULY decisions. But in reality, what most of humanity is doing is REACTING to their programming. It’s just that the programming is so ingrained since childhood that people have no idea what it even FEELS like to have sovereignty, and to make their own decisions. Most people are terrified of that because all they know is the software that was programmed into their brain since birth. But FREEDOM is for everyone. Every soul was created by the Divine Creator to have true sovereignty.
There IS no authority over you in the universe. Most people unknowingly given away their power through the authoritarian structures that start with your parents. I have faith in humanity and faith in every soul, that when you truly heal the wounds that make you vulnerable to control (mother wound, father wound and narcissistic/parasitic relationships) you will UNEQUIVOCALLY KNOW TRUTH. You will UNEQUIVOCALLY KNOW LIGHT. No one will have to “convince you” what is true and what is false, what is light and what is dark.
You have a PERFECT DISCERNMENT METER - YOUR SOUL. It is just that the discernment meter is buried under lifetimes of trauma, control and authoritarian structures. Which takes me back to Jesus. Jesus is not, never was, and never said he was an authority figure. A punisher. A rule maker. But that’s what religions did to his story to USE that as a threat. They weaponized Jesus’ teachings for one reason: TO CONTROL PEOPLE. So for people who have broken free of religious cults, they are VERY skeptical and triggered of even the IDEA of Jesus.
Which is perfect for darkness, because those whose goal it is to continue using your soul energy as a feeding source, those beings don’t care if you hate the fake Jesus or love the fake Jesus as part of a religion, EITHER WAY YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUE JESUS - which means, you can never free your soul.
I know that when people heal their wounds, and clear their traumas, and DEPROGRAM their minds from the programming
But Jesus came to show us that there is ONLY one way.
But here’s the thing, it isn’t “HIS” way. It is THE way. He didn’t make it up. It is simply how theUniverse works. The Divine Creator, “God” IS unconditional love. And the way to RETURN TO LOVE is through the quantum laws of the Universe that Jesus modeled and embodied and taught to his students.
That path is straight and narrow. The path requires us to choose light in our thoughts, words and deeds.
The new age lie is that Jesus was “just a teacher” and “just like Buddha” which could not be further from the truth. But equally dark is the religious lie that Jesus is an authoritarian, and a ruler who “wants” you to act in a certain way. I was raised Christian and as a child had a hard time understanding how the god of the Old Testament could be the God of the New Testament.
I continued my quest to understand and as my direct relationship with Jesus developed, I came to understand the truth. They were not at all the same god. The god of the old testament “YHWH” IS satan. He is a narcissistic abusive evil being who ordered death, murder and flesh sacrifices of animals. The old testament god was “eye for an eye.”
In John, Jesus says:
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.
What Jesus is saying here is CRYSTAL CLEAR. Yet, Christians all over the world continue to believe that “the Bible” consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, and never question the reality that these two books CANNOT be reconciled.
The truth is that Jesus came to live as a human so that He could teach humanity the quantum laws of the Universe. He came to share with us the frequencies we need to ascend out of the matrix. Permanently. The frequencies we need in order to stop being a “feeding source” for the astral plane entities. He came to SHOW US that we have free will and that only by our deliberate actions and choices could we SAVE OURSELVES.
Jesus came to live as a human so that He could SHOW us the truth about who we ARE. The truth about our Divine Creator. The truth that we ARE unconditionally loved. He came to be a TEACHER, to communicate to us through His words and energy frequencies that as human beings with souls, we are the most sought after precious beings in all of existence. There are many other beings in the Universe that no longer have eternal life as we do. Satan’s role is to ROB you of your eternal life, and convince you, either through religion, that you will “magically” be saved by Jesus, so you don’s have to be responsible for your own freedom, or through the new age or atheism that teaches you that you do not “need” Jesus.
Some of the most tragic lies of the new age are:
We “need” dark in order to understand light. Nope. Wrong. Darkness is NOT the opposite of light, it is the absence of it. And LIGHT is eternal. Shine a light in a dark closet and the darkness INSTANTLY disappears.
We should “merge” with our shadow and “integrate it.” Nope. Wrong. The shadow is the domain of satan. The goal is to HEAL the shadow and no longer be a puppet for darkness. HEAL the wounds and traumas that make you vulnerable to darkness.
Some of the most tragic lies of religion are:
You don’t have to save yourself, Jesus will do it for you. Nope. Wrong. Jesus taught us how t exit the matrix just as He did. We have to CHOOSE that. We have to take action using our FREE WILL. Not sitting in a church believing that we have no control over our soul’s destiny.
That Jesus “died for our sins.” Nope. Wrong. Jesus died because he was murdered. He was teaching TRUTH. He was calling out the god these people worshipped as satan. He was telling people they were engaging in darkness. He was criticizing everything the people were doing. He was flipping tables in temples. They murdered Him because He was a THREAT to their lifestyle of gluttony, greed, lust and violence.
The matrix is set up for people to pick “a side” in the duality. Clever. Brilliant actually. It work on most people. My teachings are based on the TRUE Jesus:
That He came here voluntarily to SHOW US how to free our souls from the endless wheel of reincarnation.
That He came here to SHOW US how to break free of the matrix.
That He came here to MOTIVATE us to seek sovereignty and freedom.
That He came here to ACTIVATE us into our quantum reality.
Jesus was a true Quantum Energy teacher who empowered his students to save themselves.

More Testimonials
Leilani Kilikina @leilanik.design
Being led to Liana was a Divine intervention, not just for finding love for myself again, but also for being reminded of the gifts I sacrificed. Working with Liana through her programs reminded me that I can be more than just a sick person and do what I truly love. Liana believed in me. She believed in my gifts .She became my biggest cheerleader. In May of this year I joined her 12D B School and in less than three months I have a business doing EXACTLLY what I love. Liana, if it wasn’t for you, your unconditional love, and your teachings, I would not be here. There is a reason I call you the GREATEST TEACHER in the world. Everything I have learned from you has allowed me to alchemize my life into the life of my dreams. Doing WHAT I love, WHERE I love, and HOW I love.
Kathleen allyn @earth.melody.wellness
The greatest gift Liana has given me (among many gifts) is the courage to disconnect from my abusive mom. I’d known my mom had sexually abused me for my whole life, and her emotional abuse was an ongoing poison until just a few years ago. The New Age teachings I was receiving highlighted forgiveness, giving up the victim story, seeing our parents’ pain, but left out the crucial component of eliminating toxicity and parasitic energy and having actual boundaries, championing our inner children. Liana taught me how to connect with, heal, and unconditionally love my inner children, and I could no longer betray them. She has helped me turn inward, away from codependent patterns, and to see the depths of my shadow but also my light, and has helped me know that anything can be healed. Her energy is like the sensuous, wild ocean and a warm, effervescent sparkly pink hug, and a fierce jaguar, and a wise snake. She is brilliant in everything from quantum physics to business expansion. And the depth of her unconditional love and commitment to service knows no bounds. Amidst the turbulence of the past couple years, during which so much has crumbled, Liana has remained steadfast, sovereign, and strong, teaching her students to be the same. Words cannot express the value, light, and love she brings to everything she does, and it is an immense blessing to be on this path of healing and returning to myself with her a my teacher.
Dr. Kaia Alline @family_cult_recovery
I have done every program she has offered, including spiritual, nutrition and business. My gratitude is immense and words cannot convey. Each program will change your life for the better.
Chrissy Jo @Chrissy_Lux
Real Teachers. If I were to ask you what a teacher is, you'd likely conjure up an image of someone standing in front of a class. Imparting facts to students. Once upon a time I would have this vision too. Yet it is only within the last couple of years that I came to know what a true teacher is. A true teacher brings you closer to your REAL SELF. For me, my flesh-and-blood teacher has been Liana Shanti. Strip away the programs or products (because they're just ways of delivering teaching) and what do you have? As a teacher she has held space for me to grow into my own skin. Without judgment, without expectation. With forgiveness and unconditional love. Something magical happens when you give someone the space to be just them. Initially they will play out all their programming like an old jukebox running through all its songs. But like that jukebox, they'll begin to run out. of excuses, run out of old stories, run out of victimhood. Provide that human with the space and nurture to truly witness them and they begin to grow. Provide them with a light-filled role model and guess what? They step into their own light! This is my truth and because of Liana's example and teachings I have been brought closer to my true self. She hasn't made me but her energy has allowed me to find the strength and power to become me. There is a difference between LEARNING how to be you and REMEMBERING how to be you. Thank you for reminding me.
Natalia Papakyriazis @luminousvegan
Thank you Liana for providing us with this opportunity not only to learn and experience but to come together to share experiences; for the way that you teach things (I love hearing at each lesson how these have been reflected in your life) and for your honesty. Thank you to everyone in here; Liana said during one of the lessons that our paths come together to form a collective whole, no matter where everyone is on their path, and I hold on to that feeling of connection to all in this group.